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What’s in your backyard?

Joining forces with Junior Landcare, Costa Georgiadis, the popular TV star and Landcare champion has launched the ‘What’s in your Backyard?’ campaign to encourage the next generation to get outside and document their local environment.

A key focus of the Junior Landcare’s new Learning Centre created to help children be aware, empowered and active in caring for their local environment, ‘What’s in Your Backyard?’ offers 30-minute learning activities developed by education professionals.

The Learning Centre will help children understand biodiversity, where their food comes from, Indigenous perspectives and recycling and waste management. Each activity includes an authentic story to help build formative memories, whilst participating in the learning centre helps to build intergenerational connections with an Australia wide community of experienced Landcare mentors.

‘What’s in Your Backyard?’ encourages kids across Australia to get involved and grab a camera, and snap photos of the flora and fauna in their backyard. With the help from their parents, carers and teachers, kids can submit photos to Junior Landcare to be in with a chance to win one of ten $250 cameras. The major school prize will be a visit from Costa.

Get involved

When submitting a photo, select from one of the four categories biodiversity, food production, Indigenous perspectives and waste management and explain why it is important to you.

Your backyard might be a garden. If you live in an apartment, your garden could be plants on your balcony. You may live near a park or bushland area, or a river or wetland. You may live on the coast close to the sea, or on a farm. 

The ‘What’s in your Backyard?’ campaign closes 20 April 2020, so get snapping and submit your photos today!

Learn more about the ‘What’s in Your Backyard?’ campaign.

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